We have elected a president. He has been inaugurated. And now he has made us fear for a diminishing of our rights, and the cock-eyed direction the country could possibly head.
But, I could not be prouder of being an American than I am today. Seeing the peaceful march and demonstrations around the country that has spread throughout the world has given me hope and faith that had waned in me during the election cycle itself. We should have shown such grace and stamina then by producing the numbers that we saw today in a grassroots effort across the United States. But, we did not.
We must not look back. We must turn our regrets into movements and empower ourselves for the future by doing as Michael Moore has said. Run for office. Support someone who is running for office. Get involved.
And do NOT forget. Next year starts the Congressional re-elections. It is not that far away and We have the power to change government through voting. We can stymie backward agendas by replacing the people in congress who will vote for them only to stay in good partisan favor.
To my friends who marched, I am very proud that you are my friends. To my friends who write, I am very proud that you are my friends. To my friends who voted – no matter who you voted for – I am very proud that you are my friends. Because all of you participate in the democratic electoral system that makes this country so very great.
Rock on, Ladies and Gentlemen!