I have been to the ocean again. It mesmerizes my senses and draws me into its massive womb of wonder and mystery. The lapping or crashing of waves comfort me and the smell stimulates me. The feel of the salt on my skin and the taste of it in my mouth invigorate my body, sending my mind to a place from which I should never return.
Global turmoil whips around us so we forget the nurturing and substance of the natural world we live in. Its value. Its relevance. Its need for attention. While people cry out for freedom and rights – sometimes tragically – nature cries out for consideration and respect just the same.
How long can we debate the intrinsic importance of ecological systems before it becomes too late? If the value of our natural world continues to diminish, what will be left for the fighters of freedom and the negotiators of government to live for? Rising food costs? Landscape succumbing to massive seas? Oil disasters and devastations? Global warming and the human race sacrificing the environment for convenience and power can only accentuate its ignorance.
Everyone knows about global warming. The word is out there, but few enough change their way-of-life to assist in revitalization and ecological reform. More participants are needed. The rights and freedoms of rebels everywhere need an Earth worth fighting for. And the world might yet be replenished with the immense powers of the vast oceans and thriving natural environments, if only it would let it and enable it to do so.
So I continue my jaunts to the ocean to appreciate its beauty; hope for its future; restore my soul. And then I have hope for freedom for the environment from oppressive industrialization, and freedom for people everywhere from oppressive regimes. We are but one planet.