Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back from DC

I just got back from Washington, DC. It rained. We celebrated our Veterans. But no one would even talk to me about a job..... or even just direct me somewhere. I just want to at least be talking to people. Professional to professional.

The rain was wonderful after not seeing any for months.... or at least since my trip to Boston and New York. Rain in Washington, DC brings out the hearty and may dampen the streets, but not the static atmosphere of a city charged with the nation's business. It really was fabulous to be there.

The countryside, where I stayed, smelled of Autumn leaves and damp grass. I hiked the Manassas Battlefield and got another stamp for my National Parks Passport. It never fails to amaze me that I can stand in a beautiful sweet-smelling field, basking in the sun, and know that hundreds of my fellow countrymen fell there, fighting for their ideals and their land and their families. The cannons are the only indication of the violence that shook the ground where I was walking.

OK. So back to my own battle with employment. I am working part time at Einstein Bros. Bagels,which fills a gap in my week that to me is fun. To the younger employees, it is drudgery. They want only to enjoy immediate gratification and money without working. I just enjoy interaction with people. Even the grumpy - and there are many who present a challenge, and it is always a reward to elicit a smile. Maybe I'm just weird.

Enjoy your day and rock on people!

Horses Rock!

Horses Rock!
Canyon Creek Ranch - My Retreat