Thursday, October 15, 2009

Network Network Network

Still pushing for contacts in Washington, DC. Going out in November. Want to meet with SOMEONE!
Even just for info. I am beginning to feel as though I don't exist. 8 months of rejection does that to a person..... Actually, I've been pumping out resumes for 3years. Wow. And my mind is still intact.... according to me.

Went for a ride on one of my favorite horses today and even she was trying to get rid of me. I'm too stubborn and determined for that though. I am going to ride everything out!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Back to work on getting work

Another possibility in a job career has been recommended to me.... Band road manager. Since I have been in a band, and I have helped to organize and manage many live TV shows on-the-road, it really is a realistic niche I can fill. My next move is to create a resume that highlights my on-the-road skills. Piece of cake. Tomorrow's goal.

I have just finished unpacking from my trip and am now considering a Washington, DC excursion to knock on doors and exhibit extreme interest - which is genuine - in a DC environment. Many emails to send......

The house - still nothing. My neighborhood is extra special, but people are buying for less in the surrounding neighborhoods that are not as nice. So frustrating. But I am hanging in for the long haul, which it really has already been. Positive thinking....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Back from wedding

Autumn leaves are turning and falling in New England, and it is wonderful to observe this change again. I have missed it.

My sister and I drove to Skaneateles, NY to find my grandparents' old farm. Very exciting to see the old farmhouse still stands along with the barn. Sad to see that development has crept up and obliterated beautiful fields and roads cut through where there was nothing but fields of exploration joy before.

The current residents arrived home at the same time we pulled over and we were tempted to ask to come in.... but we chickened out. It was raining and they probably wanted to get their dinner going.

 We drove around to the back side on a road that was not there before and took pics of the barn. Then we drove into town by the lake and realized how beautiful it was, and realized as children we never went to the lake. We stayed at the house. And it surprised us that we had never spent any time at the water a mile away!

My friend Linda's wedding was fabulous. It was the most fun wedding I have attended.

So, none of this is getting me a job anywhere. And it's not selling my house, so I am resolved to get back on it. I think I just needed a break from the drudgery of futile actions. Back to Einstein's Saturday and then I just know things will start to happen... I can feel it!

Horses Rock!

Horses Rock!
Canyon Creek Ranch - My Retreat