Friday, June 29, 2018

Rise Up. Live Strong.

For many years I have told myself that I am a writer. That is what I was meant to do. Yes, I wrote scripts for broadcasts news at one time. And I studied journalism, writing, the First Amendment and news ethics. But I never seemed to have the time to pursue anything grander than making an hourly wage.

And now, someone has attacked fellow journalists in a crazed and demented state of mind. Only they were real journalists. Talented. Beloved by their readers. A-number one at their craft and their dedication. Human beings who had absolutely nothing to do with this madman's grievance against the community newspaper that serves the public well.

These journalists did their jobs because they loved them. They were involved and committed to them, and fully engaged in their lives as citizens, as well as their desire and talent to share what they learned about their neighbor citizens in the community with genuineness and respect.

They represent goodness in the profession of journalism at every level. They will be missed by the people who loved them, knew them and appreciated their contributions to their community.

Humbled and embarrassed to even have thought myself a peer among the honorable victims of this tragedy, I can only hope to have learned from this that we must rise up. Do what we love and have a passion for. And not stand back and wait for life to come and get us. It is simply not long enough.

Rest In Peace, you honorable deliverers of newspaper stories.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

New President - Move On and Be the Change

We have elected a president. He has been inaugurated. And now he has made us fear for a diminishing of our rights, and the cock-eyed direction the country could possibly head.
But, I could not be prouder of being an American than I am today. Seeing the peaceful march and demonstrations around the country that has spread throughout the world has given me hope and faith that had waned in me during the election cycle itself. We should have shown such grace and stamina then by producing the numbers that we saw today in a grassroots effort across the United States. But, we did not.
We must not look back. We must turn our regrets into movements and empower ourselves for the future by doing as Michael Moore has said. Run for office. Support someone who is running for office. Get involved.
And do NOT forget. Next year starts the Congressional re-elections. It is not that far away and We have the power to change government through voting. We can stymie backward agendas by replacing the people in congress who will vote for them only to stay in good partisan favor.
To my friends who marched, I am very proud that you are my friends. To my friends who write, I am very proud that you are my friends. To my friends who voted – no matter who you voted for – I am very proud that you are my friends. Because all of you participate in the democratic electoral system that makes this country so very great.
Rock on, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Newburyport Winter 2016

We were all geared up for a Winter like 2015. It's incredible what a let-down 2016 is. Temps in the 50s. Sunny days. I's almost depressing!

Winter is a time of renewal and reflection. Without the snow and cold, how are we to feel the presence of Spring when it arrives? It will be so anticlimactic if we don't get some snow soon.

Yes. There is ice in the river. Coming from someplace colder no doubt. It's not enough for this blogger. I need the vigorous temperatures.

Maybe a little less aggressive than last year, but enough to let me know that a new year is arriving and it will ameliorate me with new hopes and soaring renewal. The very reason I jump into the ocean in Maine in June.

So come on Winter! Hit me with your best shot!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Ah. Christmas again. 2015

Unable to be with my children but still with family. That counts for a lot. Happy and sad all at the same time. Also, first Christmas without a parent living. Count your blessings everyone. There are so many things to be happy about. Never underestimate the power and value of having people who love you.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


The snow is almost gone. Mere patches here and there, mostly on the south sides of the streets where the sun has not quite stretched its rays. The docks are emerging, extending out from the banks of the Mighty Merrimack, and waiting for the boating trade to explode once again.

The animals are out and about, free from their winter hideaways. Newburyport is finally sunny. Open. Awake with spring. At last.

Not that Newburyport sleeps during the winter. On the contrary, people are walking here and there shopping. Making their way to the places where their cars hide buried in the latest snow-dump. Walking the dogs. There was even a trickle of brave runners. The trips were just shorter. Much shorter. Avoiding the biting cold winds and dangerous slip-and-slides of ice and snow-caked streets. And occasional narrow sidewalks that often resembled tunnels.

But alas. Spring has arrived and brightened the moods of those wretched in winter and releasing the energy and hope of all residents.

Tourism will reign once again, bringing with it ice cream. One of the best things about sunshine, warmer temps and hot sandy beaches. Ice cream. Worth the wait. And, in this writers humble opinion, the ultimate symbol of summer. Along with fried clams.

So drive carefully everyone. The streets are active again with out-of-towners. And let your face be warmed by the sun.

Friday, June 6, 2014

D-DAY 2014

70 years ago they went. They went into battle unknown. A battle like none other before. They were scared. They were brave. They were going to stop an evil from spreading around the world.

Our fathers. Our grandfathers. Our great grandfathers. Our great great grandfathers. Without them there may have been no halt to the accursed and fetid ideals that were poisoning humankind.

My hope is that we have fostered the idea of human kindness that they fought for. Offering our worldly brothers and sisters the opportunity and the hope of freedom from persecution and ugly prejudice. 

Honor the men and women that sacrificed on this day. Honor them by paying forward their bravery with acts of human kindness. #D-Day 2014

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have been to the ocean again. It mesmerizes my senses and draws me into its massive womb of wonder and mystery. The lapping or crashing of waves comfort me and the smell stimulates me. The feel of the salt on my skin and the taste of it in my mouth invigorate my body, sending my mind to a place from which I should never return.

Global turmoil whips around us so we forget the nurturing and substance of the natural world we live in. Its value. Its relevance. Its need for attention. While people cry out for freedom and rights – sometimes tragically – nature cries out for consideration and respect just the same.

How long can we debate the intrinsic importance of ecological systems before it becomes too late? If the value of our natural world continues to diminish, what will be left for the fighters of freedom and the negotiators of government to live for? Rising food costs? Landscape succumbing to massive seas? Oil disasters and devastations? Global warming and the human race sacrificing the environment for convenience and power can only accentuate its ignorance.
Everyone knows about global warming. The word is out there, but few enough change their way-of-life to assist in revitalization and ecological reform. More participants are needed. The rights and freedoms of rebels everywhere need an Earth worth fighting for. And the world might yet be replenished with the immense powers of the vast oceans and thriving natural environments, if only it would let it and enable it to do so.
So I continue my jaunts to the ocean to appreciate its beauty; hope for its future; restore my soul. And then I have hope for freedom for the environment from oppressive industrialization, and freedom for people everywhere from oppressive regimes. We are but one planet.

Horses Rock!

Horses Rock!
Canyon Creek Ranch - My Retreat